My Personal Lifelong Learning Plan

Sir Roger eagerly poses with a thumb's up to signify his approval of my plan.

 Teaching in the VUCA World: A challenge for lifelong learning

         Everything changes in our volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment, and an excellent teacher who prepares for and anticipates unfathomable and unknown events is one-step ahead. A teacher must successfully construct a system despite its complexity; be flexible and inventive in response to trends; be open to learning outside the books; and value the emergence in order to carry out the planned strategic activities. This clearly emphasizes that a teacher must be well-informed while making curricular and management decisions about the issues at hand.

         To be able to establish an operational system in a VUCA environment, the key clienteles (students, teachers, and administrators) of an educational institution must be considered. As teachers and leaders of creative change, maximizing potential, and lifelong learning, students must possess a variety of abilities in order to compete with others after graduation. To do this, teachers must learn how to bank on collaboration, co-creation, and coopetition. They should, however, be visionary, creative, and critical.

         In transformative leadership, the teacher must manage and recognize classroom changes. In the past, everything functioned nicely with simply paper, pen, and chalk. Things have changed since then. As a result, advocating for smart education entails seeking out suitable teaching practices that may have a positive influence on all learners. It should also be emphasized that in order for learners to progress, classrooms should be designed for the future.


But what happens in DepEd physical classrooms?

         The development of public-school classrooms is modeled after the top schools in the world 30 years ago. And, why are we falling behind? Though we realize the tremendous improvements that have happened, we continue to doubt the quality of education in the Philippines. Remember, we are still in the Third World. Even if we fight for it, we will always be a part of this classification. This would not change until our leaders recognize that the Philippines has to move forward and think about the future more than others could. 

         And do you believe we can stay up with the rest of the world in this fast-changing VUCA environment? YES, if we acknowledge the importance of modifying our teaching approaches and our goals for the future Filipino learners. Yet, my response is NO if we continue to insist on outdated information and methodologies from the past.


Utilizing systems thinking

         A key element of what we do, how we comprehend the nature of the problems, and how we promote change is systems thinking. The future that systems thinking foresees is different. It can assist decision-makers in achieving more rapid and long-lasting educational advancement that has a significant impact on the present and next generations of children and youth.

         As teachers we should know how to look for its pattern at all times. You must initially perceive a systematic representation as a single image in order to comprehend it. The pattern may then be seen by looking at each particular feature. In order to clearly grasp the overall composition in a comprehensive organizational painting, you might need to concentrate on each individual component.

         However, a functioning school is vulnerable to crises, especially if it has goals, systems, and people. Teachers must be adaptable, agile, and transformational. Because an organization is dynamic, it cannot be precisely compared to perfect symmetries which have predetermined patterns of future. This means that teachers must be alert to potentially serious occurrences that might compromise an institution's integrity and objectives.

         Given this, eliminating the linear model of decision-making should also be a consideration in organizational management. It should be understood that every activity should take the larger picture into account. Systems thinking is therefore essential. Lack of awareness of situational loops makes it difficult for a leader to perform effectively. The need for a sophisticated framework of problem-solution should be emphasized since organizational growth demands it.

         The ability to learn how to maximize the potential of people, understand the internal and external environment, utilize resources religiously, and monitor and evaluate programs is one-step forward towards the achievement of the vision, mission, and goals of every learning institution. Although it may not sound simple, this also emphasizes how revolutionary change is affecting teachers. Undoubtedly, a teacher's ability to learn, re-learn, and unlearn is a key component of their excellence.


Planning for Lifelong Learning

         Given the prevalence of these problems as we progress toward the development of new paradigms of teaching, I believe it is vital to plan for a personal lifelong learning plan that is supportive of these changes. Being able to plan for the future is a crucial attribute of a 21st century teacher.

         There are various topics of concern in the twenty-first century that we should investigate and improve. Personally, after almost ten years in academia, I have found myself on the growth continuum. It has been a process of preparation, execution, and reflection. I have also attempted to enhance my weaknesses, particularly in classroom management and the art of questioning. And one of the distinguishing characteristics that I should continue to hone is the capacity to employ new teaching tactics. I should also use technology in the classroom to better adjust to my students' needs.

         My own lifelong learning plan focuses on the critical literacies I should have and is based on my deficiencies. I believe that digital literacy, cyber literacy, and media literacy are essential for educating Gen Z and preparing for tech-savvy Gen Alpha learners. My pedagogy should be improved as well, because I was educated by Baby Boomer professors/ teachers and was equipped for a millennial generation. Certainly, my preparedness lagged well behind today's developments, as did everyone else's. As a result, my digital literacy development plan is also in-sync with the influence of social media and Internet access.

         Similarly, to support the growth of my affective teaching skills, I should strengthen my social/emotional literacy. Emotional literacy is being self-conscious and aware of your own feelings, as well as understanding how to control them, such as the capacity to remain calm while furious or to reassure oneself when in doubt. It involves empathy, which is the ability to be sensitive to the feelings of others. This literacy is essential in a VUCA society. It is beneficial to understand how to deal with challenging situations, how to respond to varied levels of stimulus, and how to manage personal and professional sentiments and emotions.

         Finally, globalization and multicultural literacy are critical in understanding how the world is evolving. Our classroom lessons should be translated into other languages, cultures, and perspectives. We should not just focus on the community to which we are linked, but also on our neighboring countries. It would not, in the long run, decrease our nationalism and identity. However, it will make us more conscious and allow our perspectives to reflect the requirements of a changing society, particularly on a worldwide basis. This also emphasizes the need for us to reconsider our future decisions in light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Gamification, Artificial Intelligence, Hyper Education, and Open School Systems.

21st Century Literacies (1)

Level of Competency (2)

Target KSAV (3)

Self-Learning Activities (4)

Time Framework (5)

Support Resources Needed (6)

Barriers/ Challenges (7)

Solution/Action points (8)

Digital Literacy/ Cyber Literacy & Media Literacy

*Knowledge of media & technology uses and potentials


*Ability to process information


*Ability to distinguish fake news/ misinformation


*Ability to utilize technology for learning

*To improve the storage and management of student data


*Online searching on how to manage big data


*Utilizing the concepts learned in post-graduate studies


*Using free and relevant online tools

Dec 2022- July 2023

*Free online journals


*YouTube Tutorials


*Technology Blog Sites


*Free eBooks


*Google Application


*Google Chrome Extension Application


*Targeted training

*Time constraint


*Difficulty in understanding technological jargon and computer programming language


*Limitations on the overall performance of gadgets/ mobile phones/ laptops/ computers


*Limited internet connectivity

*Preparing task priorities and organizing activities


*Asking the help of IT experts


*Procuring high-end technologies


*Downloading/ Uploading files in school when teachers are going home

*To explore and integrate other applications/ software that are valuable for teaching and learning

*Leveraging the internet contents in different platforms


*Exploring the best practices of other successful countries in terms of technology use in curriculum and Instruction

Dec 2022- July 2023

*Research journal articles on technology interventions in school


*YouTube Tutorials


*Educational Technology Blog Sites


*Technology/ gadgets for smart classrooms


*Short-term course

*Applicability of interventions utilizing foreign materials/ high-end technologies


*Educational software/ applications needing subscription


*Budget allocation/ prioritization of the provision for smart classrooms

*Innovating and contextualizing intervention materials


*Looking for other (free) educational software/ application options


*Linkage with the LGU and NGO for financial assistance

Social/ Emotional Literacies

*Ability to adjust with the different circumstances/ situations/ contexts


*Understanding the nature of learners and co-workers


*Maintaining a professional image through trustworthiness, regular attendance and punctuality, good grooming, and effective communication


*Ability to make personal sacrifices to meet the needs of the organization



*To provide a supportive, safe, and motivating learning environment for students and teachers

*Assessing learners' needs, interest, intelligences, and styles


*Addressing inclusivity and gender-sensitivity in lesson planning


*Advocating gender and development

Dec 2022- July 2023

*Aptitude, intelligence, and other behavioral testing kits/ materials


*Instrument/ assessment material development training


*Designing scoping lesson plans

*Inability to communicate the results of various tests


*Limited budget for training


*Time constraint


*Non-alignment of ideal lesson plans to the type and level of learners


*Societal acceptance of differences such as IP and LGBTQIA+

*Monitoring and evaluation of curricular activities


*Asking support from LGU through SEF and PTA


*Reforming the curriculum to address the struggling learners


*Instituting measures on inclusivity

*To foster camaraderie and promote professional ethics

*Enhancing social skills through exploring diverse backgrounds


*Conducting home-visitation and conferencing with students, & parents/ guardians


*Integrating ethical principles in instructional delivery

Dec 2022- July 2023

*Team-building activities


*Budget for home-visitation


*SLAC sessions on professionalism and teaching ethics to learners

*Limited budget for employees' rest and recreation


*Time constraint for targeted home-visitations


*Inability to act as role models to learners

*Asking support from LGU through SEF and PTA


*Prioritizing teachers' mental health and wellbeing


*Hiring of additional NTP to assist in catering the needs of learners


*Reviewing the Code of Professional Ethics

*Ability to communicate with others clearly


*Ability to accept the reactions of others


*Self-awareness skills

*To increase my self-regulation and empathy and manage my stress and emotions

*Practicing Meditation and Physical Exercises


*Continuing my Advocacy for Helping Learners in Need


*Utilizing Strategies in Managing Stress and Emotions

-Daily Exercise/ Physical Active Breaks

-Healthy Balanced Diet

-Prioritizing Schedules


-Creating a Social Support Network

Dec 2022- July 2023

*Mental and Health Wellness Program in Schools


*Sponsorship from Alumni


*Team-Building Activities/ Rest and Recreation Activities


*Time constraints/ Absence of the program


*Work overload/ Multiple ancillary tasks


*Ability to support multiple students


*Budget needed for gender and development/ Unplanned and unbudgeted activities

*Inclusion in the School Improvement Plan


*Reduction of ancillary tasks


*Strengthening time-on-task


*Advocating student scholars/ Adopt-a-student program


*Allocating funds for GAD activities and team-building activities

Globalization and Multicultural Literacy

*Knowledge of the diverse cultures


*Participation in the CommTech Nusantara 2021 (An International Cultural Short-Term Course in Indonesia)


*Exposure in training and conferences with diverse background and identities

*To promote globalization and diversity among teachers and learners

*Integrating cultural contexts in daily lessons


*Benchmarking on the best practices of other countries through online means


*Watching the vlog contents of other nationalities in developing a culturally-diverse classroom


*Socializing with peers through SLAC sessions

Dec 2022- July 2023

*Budget allocation for cultural seminars and symposia


*Linkage with other institutions for teacher/ student exchange programs


*Budget for SLAC sessions

*Limitations on the knowledge background of other students/ teachers to embrace multiculturalism and diversity


*Difficulty in integrating cultural contexts in mathematical, scientific and technical subject areas


*Less priority on exchange programs

*Advocating for measures which helps in creating a culture of respect and acceptance through curricular Integration/ SLAC sessions


*Creating a comprehensive framework for addressing the cultural diversity


*Providing a curriculum guide specifically designed for this area where teachers can utilize/ benchmark 


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